PantheaCon 2020

Come Revel with Us! February 14th, 11pm

San Jose Double Tree – Cedar Room

Ritual: The Prophecy and Ascendance of Lord Dionysus A Devotional to Lord Dionysus

Dionysus, the Triple God, beckons once again. Do you know the Gods, when they stand before and within you? Hear the prophecy of Dionysus, and learn why he is honored in the stars. Experience His many Mysteries in this devotional dedicated to travelling together into the New Age. Join MASC in the tradition of ritual with a good time.

All over 21 are welcome! BRING ID.

PantheaCon 2020 – Located in the CAW Suite: 2/16/2020 Sunday 1pm

Divination and Discussion The Sacred Way – All Roads Lead to Eleusis

A discussion about the upcoming Rites of Eleusis. Come learn about these Ancient Rites and Initiation, how they are still alive and relevant to today’s world and greater spiritual understanding. The MASC’s Sacred Way – All Roads Lead to Eleusis Initiation Cycle consists of 3 transformative experiential weekend festivals where participants become Pilgrims upon the Sacred path of healing, wonder, and resilience. 


PantheaCon 2019

Dionysus is Ecstasy, Innocence, Wonder and Madness, the blooming vine and the ripe full fruit that surrenders its Essence to become Spirit. For all that we know of Dionysus, there is a deep Mystery which has gone all but unexplored in modern times. We have all heard of the Triple Goddess, but few have heard of the Triple God. In the MASC tradition of a Howlin’ Good Time (those who brought you the Room of Requirement), we will explore these Mysteries, discover wonder, engage in ecstasy,  find and play with our personal edges.