Allow us to take you back into the world of the Ancients.  We hold our Rites on beautiful land in the wilds of the old growth woods, traversing old country dirt roads, and away from electricity.  As a Pilgrim on the Path, this experience will take you out of your everyday. Our journey is meant to bring us back to our roots with the Earth. 

Your journey begins the minute that you turn off Highway 101.

Driving country roads into the heart of old growth redwood forests. Become immersed in nature and the serene peacefulness of the woods. Smell the process of renewal on the afternoon breezes coming from the ocean.

Festival Grounds

This festival takes place on raw land with camping accommodations. It provides ceremonial spaces, an outdoor kitchen, shaded sites for tent camping, and open air bathrooms. Trails and paths have been worn into the hillsides by past Seekers of the Way.  Enjoy expansive views of wilderness and winks of glimpses of the ocean.

Building Community

Together, we create a magickal space where we enter as individuals and come together to build a Village in communion with the Land. Each of us bring contributions for fellowship meals and offer a daily service which brings us deeper into connection as a tribe. You are becoming a Pilgrim upon the Sacred Way. 

This is modeled on the Ancients, who would undergo a pilgrimage for a full year, each night they would stop along the Path and band together as a community village. Working to create bonds of community and  kinship is an essential part of the Sacred Way.

Providing for Your Personal Needs

 Bring with you only that which you need to sustain yourself and the requested offerings for the gods. Evhoe We are offering this festival at the lowest possible cost and therefore you will need to provide some items for yourself.  

Such As: Personal Camping Equipment, 5 gallons of water, Personal Bedding, Personal Hygiene Products, Sunscreen, Hat, Water Bottle, Plate, Utensils, Hot Mug, Jacket, and layers for the warm days and chill nights. Upon payment, a more detailed list will be provided.